
Journal of Systems Thinking and Management
Vol. 5, No.2, Mar. 2022, 51-72




本研究分析台灣高山茶產業發展動態,建立產業運作背後之核心動態結構,並在系統觀點下,提出台灣高山茶葉供應鏈在永續觀點之下運作模式之分析結果與建議。 研究結果發現台灣高山茶產業歷經民80年代的快速成長後,銷售通路因價格與需求量停滯而失去成長動能,而生產供給端承受銷售通路壓低粗製茶採購價格的獲利轉嫁壓力,承受價格停滯、可取得土地的減少,失去成長動能。其後雖因陸客來台帶來大量外部需求,並逐步發展國際品牌,開發國際銷售通路,為市場價格、銷售通路、與供給端,重新帶動成長力道,逐步擴大並補償了高山茶國內市場的需求,但也導致國內內部消費市場原本可對供給端所因具有的調節機制失靈,造成台灣本土高山茶消費市場不振,且整體製茶技術因少有新進製茶師傅及既有製茶師傅轉業、老製茶師傅年事逐年提高,台灣整體製茶技術日益降低。為促進國內高山茶市場的發展與提高台灣茶走向國際化時的附加價值,必須提高國內高山茶品質與調整高山茶對應的市場定位,並從過去由製茶師傅師徒制的傳承方式轉向更全面性的知識萃取與傳承制度,搭配品茗文化的保存與利用。





Exploring the Growth Dynamics of Highmountain Tea Industry in Taiwan

Tseng, Ya-Tsai


Tea industry in Taiwan has been existed for more than one hundred and forty years. In the past, the tea industry in Taiwan was an export-oriented industry. Since 1970, increasing labor costs and severe competitions from China and other Southern Asian countries has forced the industry to adjust its focus to domestic market. Highpriced and high quality of mountain tea is becoming the most important product to attract domestic consumers. However, the planting and production of high-priced tea is mainly located in mountains that are threatened by typhoons, earthquakes, and mudflows. Instead of just expanding the size of the tea consuming market and pursuing high growth rate, the consideration of sustainable development should be seriously taken into account in business and industrial planning. This research is aimed to explore the growth dynamics of the high mountain tea in Taiwan from systemic perspective. Suggestions to government and stakeholders will be proposed afterwards.

Keywords: Mountain Tea, Tea Industry, System Perspective, Growth Dynamics

